Spaghetti vongole with clams and white wine sauce

by - Thursday, October 27, 2016

I intend to cook something easier after making the roast pork belly, and luckily I can buy the fresh clams ( 100% they were from Billingsgate Market!), then I made a decision on cooking the spaghetti with clams and white wine sauce, it's easy! I added some spicy red pepper which enhanced the flavor as well. They are so tasty and I truly know what's the meaning of practice makes perfect now. 

那天我在漁檔買到新鮮蜆,承惠£12 - 1Kg。讓我很懷念在Billingsgate Fish Market的新鮮海鮮,種類多而且很便宜,只是要朝早7時要去買.........:( 但我已滿足了!

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