After going to Château de Versailles, we went back to city center to shop XD and had our early dinner. Again, we booked the table via TheFork. The restaurant was so cozy and silent, and we had a great meal there. I liked it so much as the environment was comfortable and we didn't need to be rush and that's was the best meal in this trip! We had the salmon tartare, duck breast & steak for our main dish.
一想到已進入冬令時間,日照時間太短和寒風刺骨的天氣,我就......而此時此刻,英國人已忙著為聖誕節作出準備,百貨公司早早就擺滿了聖誕裝飾品、換上新的櫥窗擺設。為了分散天冷帶來的沉重感覺,我開始想到歐洲濃厚的聖誕節氣氛:想起了Bond Street的聖誕燈飾、Hyde Park的Winter Wonderland、London Eye的溜冰場、和Christmas Sales,好吧,其實能做的事也很多!
倫敦街頭如Oxford Circus、Regent Street、Sloane Square和Carnaby Street等的聖誕燈飾已預備好,並會在今個月陸續亮燈,讓4:30pm就入黑的街道都閃爍起來!
早在10月,各大百貨公司就已經擺滿了各款聖誕裝飾品,而倫敦各個聖誕市集已準備就緒!除了Hyde Park的Winter Wonderland外,在倫敦還有很多聖誕市集,如Southbank Winter Festival、Tate Modern的Christmas market、Leicester Square的市集等等。
每逢冬天倫敦很多地方都會有溜冰場,如在London Eye的Eyeskate、Hyde Park、Crystal Palace、Canary Wharf、和Hampton Court Palace等地方。我曾試過在London Eye溜冰,真的,很有氣氛!但記得要預先上網訂票啊!