Walk with me in Notting Hill

by - Saturday, July 22, 2017

Knowing Notting Hill when I was still young, I was watching the movie, dreaming one day I can walk pass the Portabello Road Market when the city is snowing. When I grow up, I finally have the chance to visit this place and I feel amazing! Since I 'm living close to Notting Hill, we always visit there when we couldn't think of any places to go. In Notting Hill, I can find many fabulous houses, nice coffee shops, and vintage teacups etc.

除了去Chelsea外,我(們)大愛Notting Hill,從沒想過我能住在它的附近,大概2-3星期總會去一次。每個星期六他們的Portobello Road Market都人山人海,在那裡你可以找到古董相機和鏡頭,英式茶具或者來自巴黎/意大利等歐洲國家的幾十年代的古董手袋/首飾和蕾絲等等。逛得有點累了就到coffee shop飲杯rose latte,當中最多人認識得一定是Farm Girl !他們的Rose Latte/Lavender Latte都是我的最愛!

We love to walk from Ladbroke Grove, there's a food market with lots of choices, and vintage market so I can search for things...like bags...wallets...etc. Yeh I love everything vintage. Then we love to have Natas and coffee in Lisboa Patisserie, we also go to St. Luke Mews which the movie Love Actually was filmed there. The mews there are too beautiful, no matter how many times I go there, I keep taking photos! Then we will walk to the market, maybe another rose latte in Farm girl?! XD 

若從Ladbroke Grove站出的話,經過food market之後又是另一番風景,有很多檔攤賣古靈精怪的東西,很多很舊但很有故事的茶具﹑傢俬﹑玩具等等。一路走落去會走到很出名的
St. Luke Mews,就是Love Actually在那裡拍的英式小屋,即使他們的外觀都一樣,但每次經過,我總會不停拍照。

除街拍外,那裡還有很多餐廳,我其中最愛去食葡撻的小店Lisboa Patisserie,英國前首相David Cameron也愛去,他們的Latte也很不錯!想食葡撻的話要早點去,我試過星期六3點多4點去都賣完了!

Sometimes we will start from Notting Hill station, having brunch at Eggbreak, then walk around that area, I can find lots of gorgeous houses and doors there, and cars too! When I have no idea on where to go, Notting Hill won't go wrong!I do love their pastel wall houses, checked pattern floor, pink doors, windows with flowers & plants etc. I also love to explore those charity shops which I can always find something fabulous! 

有時我們也很喜歡去Portobello Road Market的另一邊,有間叫EggBreak的餐廳總是大排長龍,它附近都是一堆超級漂亮的屋,常常在Instagram會找到它們,到那邊的你們不能錯過啊!

Notting Hill is always the best choice if you want to have a walk in London.
Notting Hill是一個無論去多少次都會很喜歡的地方,所以我會一直在那邊發掘新地方!

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