Wandering in Chelsea

by - Wednesday, July 19, 2017

I love Chelsea & I believe many Londoners love it too, in Chelsea, I can always find beautiful places to take photos, lots of colourful houses, vintage cars, pretty doors and lovely restaurants & coffee shops! When you walk from Sloane Square, there'are lots of gorgeous places you can take photos, and you can have some food in Duke of York Square food market. When you keep walking you will discover some classic car like below one, and beautiful doors with roses and plants. Also, colourful houses are easy to find out, wish that one day I can decide what colour to paint on my houses!

是的,我住在西邊,所以weekend很多時都是在西邊的倫敦遊走,Chelsea 和Notting Hill都是我的最愛,在Chelsea永遠都有很多值得拍照的地方,不論是色彩繽紛的大屋﹑隨處都找得到的古董車﹑無數超級美麗豪華的大門,在香港哪找到門口會種到很多花的大屋﹖從Sloane Square出去可以先在Duke of York Square Food Market 填飽個肚,然後就可以一直走,就在& other story附近有一整條都是不同顏色的大屋,最適合拍照,我每次走過都會拍幾張,每次總覺得有少少不同!(自欺欺人?) 在它的對面往前走,不久便會看到下面這間大屋,認得它嗎﹖在5月紫藤花盛開的時候它還是一片紫!現在變成一片綠像森林一樣!

作為超級富貴區,Chelsea的屋很多都很漂亮,不同顏色的外牆拍起照上來很好看!另外很多門前都有花園,很多玫瑰花在門前,是英國獨有的風格?! 我想到的只有奢華和優雅!超級喜歡高樓底加落地窗,想起也覺得很寫意!

I love collecting colourful houses, lovely window displays and flowers with doors, they look gorgeous and I can only find this styles in London.

I also love to collect vintage car because of #asundaycarpic , below silver vintage car is just perfect!

Everything's just perfect when there's sun in London. Wishing one day I can have one of these houses! (I'm dreaming....)

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