Pineapple seafood fried rice 菠蘿海鮮炒飯
The pineapple in Morrison was really nice and big! I always want to cook this fried rice with seafood & pineapple and display in a real fresh pineapple. Then we made it! Cutting the pineapple was not a hard I was not the one who did that! XD
I added these ingredients to my fired rice.
- pineapple of course!
- chicken
- prawns
- cashew
- rice
- egg
- turmeric powder
- some coriander at the top
I wonder how long I haven't tasted this dish.......
已經很久沒有食過菠蘿海鮮炒飯,那天在Morrison見到很大個菠蘿又只賣2鎊,便買齊其他材料回家整菠蘿海鮮炒飯!可惜我家沒肉鬆...!還煲了湯 - 赤小豆薏米牛大力靈芝(湯包) ^^