Darling Weekend in Lisbon - 3

by - Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Day 4

We were so lucky that there was a flea marketing in Alfama on Tuesday! I loved to explore flea market to discover interesting stuff! WOOO the market was huge, lots of vintage stuff especially lights and calligraphy pen! OH I loved them! They had lots of vintage books, piano sheets etc. it was worth to spend sometimes to explore. Then...!__! it was time to back to London. I'm sure I will be back and visit Porto next time!

幸運的是星期二在Alfama有個超大型flea market,入面有很多古董,那些燈罩和各種傢俱都很別緻!還有我最近很沉迷的西洋書法筆!我在倫敦沒看見過啊~~這market值得多花點時間去行 - 如果你都喜歡Vintage的話。最後在Alfama附近再影多幾張相便起程去機場,準備回倫敦了。嗯除了要走超級多的路外,Lisbon真的好美,消費也OK,下次會再去埋Porto!

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