Cooking Time

by - Friday, January 13, 2017

This's my first post in 2017! Wishing we have a fruitful year!

I've spent a lot of time on cooking these days and I admitted that cooking can be so fun!

Thanks for the technology era, there're a lot of social platform which is good to explore what to cook everyday, otherwise I would be very headache on thinking what to cook.

Since the cold weather continues, I've found that congee can really keep us warm ! Then I made the congee with clams. It tasted fresh and the congee was well-cooked! I keep having one vegetable dish everyday lol...and the chicken wings are my favourite!!

最近認真煮飯mode,特別是倫敦一月真的很很很寒冷,於是那天煲粥,用Le Crueset 22cm煲,一碗米 + 8碗左右水,水滾才下米和乾瑤柱,間唔中搞搞佢,大概45分鐘左右已經煲到好棉,然後放蜆再煲10分鐘便熄火,再焗10分鐘落少少鹽和胡椒粉就食得。

An other night I cooked the short beef rib with Korea BBQ sauce which was super delicious and aubergine with chilli pepper which I saw from ChefDiary, and the bean sprouts with little bit of soy sauce, sesame oil and salt.

I'll try best to share as regular as I can! XDXD

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